Organisation Full titleBackgroundFocus of standardStrengthsweaknessesFutures
MSCI Morgan Stanley Capital International)MSCI (formerly Morgan Stanley Capital International) has been montiring social / environment and overall governance compliance in varous forms since 1990s.Currently is core ESG screened to exclude controversial and non UN compliant eg no weapons, avoid biodiversity controversies. Note now also Provides a focus an incentive for corporates to improve ESG and hence have access to wider investor pool
Respected research team and resources
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)IFRS encourages organisations to adhere to SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
To provide consistency across different industries for investor focused reporting
Looking to consolidate standards across IRF the TCFD and Climate DIsclosure Standards ( CDSB)
includes subset of sustainability measures for 70+ industries
Developed with high level of stakeholder engagement and transaprency
Fuller integration across a number of investor focused standards
GRI StandardsGRI (Global Reporting Initiative)GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)Structured breakdown to address Universal standrds - Topic Specific - Sector Standards
CDP CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)“CDP” was formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project. CDP ( a non profit) solicits primarily climate-related information from companies annually by sending Climate Change, Water, and Forest Questionnaires. Companies that disclose information to CDP are assigned grades and are regularly benchmarked against their peers. CDP’s webpage is available here.Global disclosure system for investors/companies , cities, states and regions. Addresses Environmental performance, social impact and governanceWider scope covering local and cnetral governemt as well as corprates
CDP score is a snapshot measure of disclosure and environmental performance. Widespread adoption
Relies on self reporting. Guidelines rather than defined standards and framework can be complex
BRSRBusiness Responsibility and Sustainability ReportIndia national requirement focused initially on top 1000 organisationsIndia national requirement focused initially on top 1000 organisations
GRESBGlobal Real Estat Sustainability BenchmarkInvestor focused benchmark
IIRCIIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council)IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council)The IIRC's primary focus is on integrated reporting, which encourages organizations to provide a comprehensive picture of their value creation process. Integrated reporting emphasizes the interdependencies between financial and non-financial factors, aiming to demonstrate how these factors contribute to an organization's long-term success.Long term focus and encourages alignment of achievment to strategic objectivesComplexity and as there is limited standardisation increased scope for subjectivity reducing ability to compare performance
PRI PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)Responsible investment practicesInfluential in promoting ESG integration in reportingLack of enforcement mechanism
TCFDTCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)he TCFD focuses on improving climate-related financial disclosures by providing a framework for organizations to assess and disclose climate-related risks and opportunities. Its recommendations are structured around four main areas:
IFRS IFRS Foundation (International Financial Reporting Standards)IFRS Foundation (International Financial Reporting Standards)governance -strategy - risk management - metrics and targetsstandardised framework with emphasis on financial implicationsvoluntary adoption, may be burdensome to consistently report against
ISO ISO (International Organization for Standardization)ISO (International Organization for Standardization)Business Sustainability - ISO 90001/31000
Environmental Sustainability ISO 14001
Social Responsibililty ISO 26000
Highly structured approach which has proven very successful for service delivery / IT / Quality etc.Many organisations can see this as too granular and may hamper innovations when addressing pan organisation adoption of ESG improvements
World Economic ForumWorld Economic ForumThe WEF often convenes leaders from various sectors including business, government, academia, and civil society to address pressing global issues, including those related to ESG. They facilitate dialogues, research, and collaboration aimed at identifying challenges and opportunities in these areas. Additionally, the WEF's annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland, serve as platforms for discussing ESG issues among global leaders.Not a standard but looking to facilitate dialogue and drive consistency and relevance of reportingWEF's "Global Risks Report" often highlights environmental and social risks, contributing to awareness and action on ESG issues among policymakers and business leaders.Does not directly set standards
OECD OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)NGO in with European Focus which has always had objectives to support encourage and empower innovations to change to improve economic growth and employment and reduce poverty and inequality. This has in recent years focus on promotion of policies for sustainable growth that balance economic, social and environmental considerations.OECD Core set of Environmental indicators
SDG Financing Lab includes data analysis on development fiannce
Foreign Direct investment ( FDI) guidemlienshelp goverments investing in other countries development.
Periodic reports and analysis are highly regarded used as benchmarks and comparators .Typically aggregated high level data
CDSB CDSB (Climate Disclosure Standards Board)CDSB now consolidated into IFRS Foundation
CeresCeresCeres proactively look at various areas of Climate Recent analyses areas include
- benchmarking air emissions
climate risk scorecard
Deforestation scorecard
The Climate RegistryTCR - The Climate RegistryNon profit organisation that empowers organisations to be cliate leaders . Coalition of governments , buseness univercities and NGOsGreen house Gas measurement and reporting programes
US focus.
WWF WWF (World Wildlife Fund)WWF (World Wildlife Fund)Not a standard but WWF endorses or encourages the adoption of specific ESG reporting frameworks that align with its conservation goals and principles.By promoting widely recognized frameworks such as GRI, TCFD, and SASB, WWF contributes to the mainstreaming of sustainability reporting practices among companies and investors.not a standard . Advocacy rather than codified standards
UNEP FI UNEP FI (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative)UNEP FI is founding memeber of a network banks, insurance and investors looking to accelerate sustainable developmentBanking principles adopted by over 50% of global banking industry
Principles for sustainable insurance (PSI) is being adopted major insurers to move to more dutainable insurance which aims to reduce risk, encourage innovative solutions and contribute to overall sustainability
Investtment leadership Programme( ILP) provides training and working exposure to him stregic leaders implement change that underpin acheivement of sustainable finance
Foremost sustainable banking format
Leading taxonomy for insurance industry
IIGCC IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change)IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change)
B LabB Lab (B Corporation)Non proft network looking to transform global economy created in 2006 . The pobjective is to advance a new model that moves away from concentrating wealth and moves from prioritising individualism to embrace interdependence
Now covers over 5000 B corps in 84 countries
Certified B corporations are companies vierfied by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance , transparency and accountability.a nuber of buyers are lookign for this compliance and hence achieving B Corp can improve business growth and particualry customer loyaltySome risk company directors may be reluctant to adopt as it does increase their exposure to claims for financial dmages if decisions made not are not shown to have thoroughly addressed multi stakeholders which might constrain operational flexibiltiy
Most B corps curently are smaller businesses
CFA InstituteCFA InstituteCFA Institute
Dow Jones Sustainability IndicesDow Jones Sustainability IndicesDow Jones Sustainability IndicesESG Performance of organisationsPublicly recognise benchmarkRelies on self reporting, limited coverage
FTSE4Good Index SeriesFTSE4Good Index SeriesFTSE4Good Index Series
Bloomberg ESG DataBloomberg ESG DataBloomberg ESG Data covers over 15000 companies in 100 countriesThree main areas
- Climate Solutions and sustainable finance
- Regulatory reporting and complaicne
- Analytics and Research
Specific score and benchmarks be used to assess both corporate and state disclousres and performanceMembership restricted data
Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets (GRESB)Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets (GRESB)GlRESB are independent organisation providing validated ESG performance data and benchmarks for investors and data managersBenchmark and assessment dta to support investors and asset owners to monitor ESG reate risksbenchmark and portfolio analysis tools
Capabilities to export data
Membership restricted data
ISO International Organisation for standardisationInternational standards for a wide range of business processes and products / servicesEnvironmental and Social Standards (e.g., ISO 14001, ISO 26000Globally recognisedvoluntary adoption , framework emphasis more than specific obligations
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)Industry specific sustainability standardsTailored for different industrieslimited adoption
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